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During the Auction Period:
Fill out your application completely and thoroughly. Sometimes this is the first impression a Dom may have on you. (looks don't amount to anything if your not willing to show them who you are!) We get many people who come through, grab the applications and take them to read at their leisure We lso have every Dom fill ou our Dom-wishlist to help us match them with slave/subs of all sorts!.
Be on Sim @Bound Desires as much as possible. Although you are only required to be at the auction 1 hour per day the more you are on sim and available the better chances that you will meet people. People come in all the time to check out the boards and to see who is here.
When you come online and are on sim an automatic notice goes out in the Bound Desires VIP group to let buyers know that you are here and are available to meet them. Utilize the Bound Desires VIP group to chat and introduce yourself. (We highly encourage you to write a small bio every two outs switch it up each time let them know your alive! standing around and not speaking gets you ignored!)
We also send out notices in other groups every 2 hours.
Greet everyone who visits the sim! Good manners and an approachable greeting goes a long way! Show them that you are interested in getting to know them. Don't pretend to be something your not Doms love girls who are themselves! For help with emoting please see our emoting tip's page.
Plan to be here an hour prior to your auction ending. All Auctions will end at 10am SLT. If you cannot be here that is ok, we will let you know who your winning bidder is.
Please be aware of poaching activities while on auction and after the auction has completed. Please see our poaching page to understand exactly what activities this includes.
After the Auction has ended
You have obligated yourself to serve the high bidder for a period of one week. You should be available to them for the entire time you are online and in world.
Your auction board will let you know who your winning bidder is. Bound Desires will also notify you personally to give you that information. IM the winning bidder, thank them for bidding on you, and let them know they are the lucky winner! Ask for friendship! This is also the time to make arrangements with them to meet up if you have not already done so.
Every day you should contact your winning bidder to let them know you are available. Do NOT leave it up to them, this is your responsibility!
If there are any issues Bound Desires needs to know about them. Please contact any staff member so that we can assist you!
Once you complete your contract with your winning bidder it is up to the two of you if you wish to continue or if you decide to end the relationship after the contract has been completed. Bound Desires hopes that through this process you have found a good match and a decision is made to remain together however, we understand when things do not work out and as long as you have completed your obligation you are welcome to come back and try again.
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