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The application is also your contract, this is a three (3) party (1) Week contract between Bound Desires , the auctioneer & the winning bidder. Any and all changes to the contract must be agreed upon by ALL parties.
The auction runs for 2 weeks and ends on Sunday 10am slt. Plan to be here and available to talk to the Doms who come in as much as possible prior to the auction ending time. If you are here and available we will send notices to advertise you As well as match you with Doms who seek the same as you using our sub-wish list. Remember the more you are here the more opportunities you will have to talk to dominants!
By placing yourself up for sale you are agreeing to being online and in world a MINIMUM of 1 hour per calendar day and spending ALL your online time WITH your winning Dom for the week following the auction end date (7 Calendar days).This is also an agreement that you will complete your auction and contract, remember once you have made the commitment you are obligated to complete all terms here forth. Don't try to act like you saw your Dom you will not get Paid as we ask for proof VIA Screen shots as logs can be edited to each parties favor :).

All subs/slaves must be 18 years of age Rl and a min of 30 days old in SL.

Optional Private Sales:

You may elect to end your auction early at any time in a private sale. If a private sale concludes your auction your percentage upon completion of contract period decreases to 50%.
** Any refund paid to your winning bidder cancels your contract and forfeits any proceeds from your sale. (We will notify you if a refund is requested and give you a chance to rectify any situation under your control) **
The refund policy is outlined in the Buyer's Guide


  • Familiarize yourself with the Bound Desires  SIM Rules and Info!
  • Join the Bound Desires Group & a staff member will invite you to the Bound Desires Slave Group (The slave group must be active while for sale). Remain in the slave group until you have been paid. If you leave the slave group prior to payment you will forfeit the payment
  • Those on auction are owned by Bound Desires Auction House.
  • They are NOT allowed go off sim with ANYONE they met at auction WHILE one sale!
  • They are NOT allowed to go to other auction houses, escort sims or BDSM roleplay sim during your time on sale!
  • During your auction & contract period you are NOT allowed to place yourself for sale at  any other auction with any avatar that you control. Also you are not allowed to visit or work at another auction house during your auction & contract period.(this prevents issues between auction houses)
  • We ask you to be respectful at all times. Any issues should immediately be brought to the attention of a Staff member in a private IM. Please be aware that sharing of IMs among staff members and Owners of the sim is permitted.
  • Auctioneer must commit to be displayed on auction every day for at least one hour. (or as many as able this helps you meet folks and allows us staff to better match you with possible Dom's)
  • If you meet all requirements and fulfill your one week contract you will receive 65% of the highest bid. 54% on a private sale.
  • DO NOT discuss other bids or bidders with ANYONE other than staff (This prevents drama!)
  • DO NOT be disrespectful to anyone on sim, get a staff member if you need help!
  • If you believe your bidder is a ‘mismatch’ POLITELY let the bidder know. There is no need to be disrespectful!! (Classy not trashy!) If you need assistance please contact a staff member.
  • Once someone goes up for auction they are contracted and obligated to remain on auction for the duration of the auction & abide by all the rules.
  • If you come online as often as stated in application & are available to talk to buyers, then there should be no reason that you cannot find someone matching. We have a huge variety of owners that come here looking for the one that they will mesh with. We do not restrict slaves and buyers from speaking in IM.
  • The big problems come when auctioneers do not show up at the times they say on their application and still expect to be sold without being available to talk with buyers as they have indicated. So I will stress this again: auctioneers should be here the hours that auctioneers stated in application, & be available to talk to Doms.
  • A private sale is a little different than an auction end. There are MANY times that an owner and a slave will meet and do not want to wait until the auction ends or chance it that someone else will outbid them. We can make a private sale if that is the case. In a private sale though ALL parties must agree.
  • Please be advised that any visitor that you meet while on auction is obligated to purchase you through the auction house during your auction period.
  • Remember your application is your contract, by agreeing to be on auction here you are agreeing to all terms and conditions here on. Please make sure to fill out your application as completely as possible!
  • All questions, concerns or issues shall be brought to a staff member by private IM only. We want to help you find a good match and assist if problems occur. DO NOT air your dirty laundry in local or group chat. This is strictly prohibited!
♦♦♦   Very Important Note Bound Desires Slave  Auction House DOES NOT CONDONE AGE PLAY of any kind and expects both seller and buyer not to. If, as a slave, you are asked to enter into child play we advise that you terminate your arrangement right away and inform the appropriate authorities.  ♦♦♦
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